Tuesday, September 26, 2023

EOTO Responses!

    For this assignment, we had to watch other students present their technology topics to the rest of the class and now we're reflecting on what we found interesting about their projects. One person had an interesting topic that I really didn't know anything about, and Kennedy's presentation on war and homing pigeons. I knew carrier pigeons existed to deliver notes but even then my knowledge went only as far as Harry Potter and his snowy owl delivering letters to his friends. However, I learned that pigeons were used for far more than that. War pigeons and homing pigeons were used as a weapon in the wars. War pigeons were used more exclusively in the First and Second World Wars, whereas homing pigeons were used more for delving messages and became one of the faster forms of communication at the time. Kennedy did a great job on his presentation and taught a lot about the use of these birds and their importance to the time period where they were most proactive. 

    When we think about when pigeons were used for communication we probably think back to a time in the 1600's but the last used pigeon for messages and overall use ended in 2008! When I found that out I was shocked because in 2008 you'd think something like this would be outdated in the 50s MAYBE the 60s but not till 2008. This just goes to show that technology doesn't always triumph and that physical messages and message sending are usually the way to go. War pigeons were strictly used for war strategies, whether they were used for bombs or for inside enemy lines for communication, these birds were truly the MVPs for the wars and some birds were actually granted awards and medals because that's how good these pigeons actually were at their jobs.

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EOTO #2 Reactions

      After watching all the presentations in class, the group that really piqued my interest was the group 3. Their discussions on the theo...