Friday, September 1, 2023


     The United States Supreme Court is a relic of the foundation of the United States. Some of our everyday practices as citizens are due to the decisions of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is an essential part of our lives and without this form of judicial power, the world would not be able to operate the same on a day-to-day basis.

    Today, I watched a video that led into the lives of the Supreme Court justices and I felt like it was a great insight into their everyday activities and how much they actually do. I was given the opportunity my senior year of high school to take AP Government and Politics, so some of the information in this video was a review for me, but something I learned from this video was the fact that there are more people actually working with the justices to help inform them with the foundation of the cases from smaller state courts. 

    One of the most essential takeaways from this video was, that each justice actually writes an opinion about the decision of the case at hand. These opinionated writings can vary from being just a handful of pages to 80 or more pages long. In the end, it's the media specialists who are reporting to news stations about not just the legitimate court decision, but what each justice thinks of the decision. However, with the justices writing their own opinion, they might be inclined to actually flip their vote to the opposing side, which the aforementioned video states "On rare occasions the majority becomes the minority."(7:04-7:06, Part II). 

Surprisingly, circling back to the previous paragraph, I did not realize that each justice wrote their own opinion on the decision that they decided on. I figured they made a draft and a final edit to what they decided and the process would conclude from there. The actual process of writing the opinions actually takes about four weeks and potentially multiple months. The video, Comm3390 Supreme Court, Pt 2, goes on to explain the lengthy detailed process of what justices do and how long that process actually entails. This process not only fascinates me but makes me appreciate the Supreme Court a little more than I did before.

    To conclude, after this video, I have a newfound appreciation for what the Supreme Court actually does after its decision. To make a long explanation short, their process is not just deciphering right from wrong, or ethical from unethical, it's to help instil rules and regulations that give back to citizens of America. Good or bad, in the end, they're doing their job. Though it's to benefit the citizens of America, they can't please everyone. Someone is going to be upset with a decision they make and that's normal. 

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