Saturday, September 30, 2023

Digital Age


    The digital age nowadays comes with pros and cons. For one, it's easier to connect with people at home and abroad. You don't have to worry about not knowing what's going on with people in your downtime with one another. However, with the digital age comes more advanced technologies and apps all at the touch of your fingertips and in your pocket. In the four TedTalk videos, all the videos covered some sort of digital footprint or "Electronic tattoo". In the first video, Juan Enriquez makes the modern analogy connecting digital activity to getting a tattoo. As we know, tattoos are permanent unless you want to laser them off your body. Enriquez goes on to state that things put out on the internet are permanent whether it's an inappropriate post to messages you've sent on Twitter. He also goes on to equate posting things on social media to Greek mythologies and representing them through today's day and age.

    These issues could probably affect my friends more than my family. Thankfully the people I associate with know what and what not to post, but still, one wrong move and it could be over for them or even myself. I'm not quite sure if my parents or family fully understand the concept of digital footprint mainly my parents, don't really use social media for ill intent. Now the people I am worried about are the family vloggers who show off their kids from childbirth till the point that they can speak for themselves. 
    The government has one job in this, to wipe all the footprints and trash the cloud that stores all this information. There should be a system where information over a year should automatically be deleted permanently unless files are brought up for court cases or background checks. What we as citizens can do. protect ourselves is to just monitor what we're doing on the internet. We have so much control over what we can do and how to prevent things, it's just up to us whether we make the right choice or not.

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